Courses in BSc degree in Forestry Program
Course image Forest Ecology
Forestry Program

Introduction: the concept of forest ecology and development of forest ecology;. Environmental Factors: Brief study of soil, water, light, temperature, atmospheric and biotic factors and their effect on forest vegetation. Climatic regions of ETHIOPIA. Study of basic concepts of Forest Ecology: Community ecology, population ecology   Ecological Plant Groups. Methods of Vegetation Study: Kinds and uses of quadrates, transects and bisects in the study of vegetation. Forest Influences in watershed, rangeland and wildlife areas; control of desertification, biodiversity and global warming; air, water, soil and noise pollution. Forest Types of Ethiopia: Definition and basis of classification. Study of characteristics and floristic distribution of major Forest Types of Ethiopia.

Course image Forest Seed and Nursery Technology
Forestry Program

As raising seedlings is the initial stage in all planting  departments, the success of the next plantation operations will ultimately influence by the production of healthy, sturdy & disease & pest free seedlings. This demands understanding of tree Seeds/fruits formation; parts of seeds &their function;  Identifying seed source (formal & informal sources); Provenance, seed stand & mother tree selection; Seed collection, processing, transport, storage and seed handling techniques; Evaluating and grading of seed; Seed quality & germination process; seed testing; Identification & solving problems related to germination/ seed dormancy; application of different seed pre-treatment techniques; Trade & distribution; Quarantine regulation and seed certification.  It also it requires understanding of how to make proper Nursery Site selection; Laying out and design of tree nurseries:  identification of different types of nursery; determining the size & shape of nursery, proper soil mixture & potting; methods of raising seedlings; Nursery practices/techniques; Care & conditioning of seedlings; Work organization & recording; Working calendar; Seedling development record.

Course image Introduction to Agriculture
Forestry Program

PART I: ANIMAL PART: Economic importance and potentials of animal production in Ethiopia; fundamental and principles of animal husbandry; importance, production systems, breeds and breeding, nutrition, housing, health maintenance production losses , disease and control measures, marketing  of animal and animal products in Ethiopia and economically important animals.

PART II: PLANT PART: Introductory to food production and population growth food self-sufficiency and food security, definition of agronomy and its disciplinary composition, the art and science of crop production ,origin of cultivated plants; and classification of crop plants respectively. Botany of crop plants; plants in relationship to their environment; agronomic practices principles of dry and farming; and general remarks on individual crop culture of cereals and pulses. Major economically important agronomic crops grown in Ethiopia: giving information for specific crop plant on origin, economic importance ,history ,classification and botany, ecological requirements, nutritive values, crop management including diseases, weed and insect pests management  and major constraints of production.

Course image General Ecology
Forestry Program

Introduction: Concepts of dendrology; Classification, Nomenclature, identification, definitions of terms, Historical background; terminology of flowering plants: vegetative and reproductive morphology; Biological nomenclature; Identification keys and key construction; Herbarium techniques: collecting, pressing, drying and preserving plant specimen; Important tree species of Ethiopia: angiosperms, gymnosperms.

Course image Physiology of Woody Plants
Forestry Program

Plant architecture, structure and function of plant tissues, woody plant anatomy, Nutrient acquisition; absorption processes, mineral nutrients: physiological function and nutrient deficiency; Plant root-microbe interactions; Plant-water relations; plant water balance, the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum, Photosynthesis and carbon metabolism; the photosynthetic apparatus and photosynthetic reactions, carbon fixation pathways, photosynthetic response to light and temperature; Growth and development; cellular basis of growth and meristems in woody plants, plant hormones and growth regulation, flowering and seed physiology; Stress physiology; Cultural practices and physiological responses.

Course image Silviculture of Natural Forest and Woodland
Forestry Program

Introduction: Definition of Forestry, Forests, Silviculture, Silvics, Silvicultural System. Principles of silviculture, Characteristics of Tropical Natural Forests, Principles of Natural Forest Silviculture, Introduction to Tropical forest formations, Forests and Woodland of Ethiopia, Introduction to Moist tropical forest dynamics, Silvicultural stand analysis: purpose; methodology and analysis. Silvicultural Operation and Related Requirement, Factors considered in the selection of silvicultural systems. Silvicultural Systems for Domestication and Securing Sustained Production: Minimum harvestable diameter; Improvement Thinning. Gradual Transformation System (GT) of the Growing Stock: Improvement Systems; Enrichment System. GT by Means of Regeneration: Systems of GT into Uniform High Forest; Systems for GT into Managed Selection Forest. Tropical Conversion Systems. Silvicultural systems for Dry Tropical Forests: Rehabilitations Measures; Coppice Systems.